This space is dedicated to the world of endurance sports. Although the focus is on Triathlon, the content has broad applicability, touching on subjects that are highly relevant to all endurance athletes from distance runners to rowers; pretty much all of the suffer sports. In addition to writing about this stuff, I compete too. If you are interested in learning more about me, browsing my writing that has been published on Xtri, or reading about some of my own athletic endeavors, just click on any of the tabs above.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Product Review: Xendurance

You know you are a triathlete when Monday becomes your favorite day of the week!!  I'm thoroughly enjoying this easy Monday after a tough weekend of training that capped off a three week build which had me training at volumes of 20, 21, and 18 hours.  While the primary focus of the cycle surrounded increasing durability, all of those weeks were filled with high-quality sessions, so it's not like I was just getting through long, slow miles and yards.  As I do some quick reflecting on this massive build, which was the biggest of my short career, I'm most happy with how consistent I was.  I was strong throughout, and rather than feeling like I was "surviving" the training, I felt like I was "thriving" and progressing over the entire course of the build.  Sure, there were some ugly workouts and heavy fatigue, but on balance, most days were extremely positive.

More than anything, a smart approach and plan to long-term development is the dominant factor in being able to absorb progressively more stressful training - so thanks Coach Wes for taking the time and truly caring engagement to purposefully build me up to this level of training.  Next comes proper nutrition and sleep; without high-grade fuel and proper downtime, it's impossible to progress.  At the highest level, the right nutrients enable the body to grow, and the body grows while sleeping; it's really that simple.  So, with a smart plan, good nutrition and the right amount of sleep, you are well on the road to success. But, is there more that can be done?  Are there other things that can make a difference?

For the longest time I would have said, "no," and as a result, never used supplements outside of whey protein and a calcium+D tablet to provide an extra layer of security against stress fractures.  But a little over a year-ago I literally stumbled upon a product called "Extreme Endurance" which marketed itself as a buffer against the burn and soreness resultant from high lactic acid training.   I did my research:

  • Ensuring the product was safe: Talks with my physician and another doctor friend that is also a triathlete
  • Approved under the most stringent international anti-doping policies given I was preparing to compete in the Duathlon World Championships, I made sure the product was evaluated under the strictest standards; e.g., Informed-Sport and Informed-Choice programs and
  • Comprised of naturally occurring compounds: The magic is in the ratio, not some chemically engineered poison.  

After checking all of those boxes, I gave Extreme Endurance a try. After about a month of use, I noticed an enormous difference in my recovery time from individual workouts, and also recovery [in general over the longer term] from constantly building training.  Soreness that would once hold me back from executing quality work seemed to dissipate much faster.  The amount of time I needed to recover between quality sessions decreased markedly, and most notably, my recovery time following race-efforts went way down, which means I could get back to training faster (this post-race benefit is in-large part due to what I take in the week leading up to the race and the day following the race, per the dosing guidelines). All and all, I was amazed at how well Extreme Endurance worked, and how well I absorbed escalating training while taking it.  No substitute for a proper plan, nutrition, and sleep, but hugely beneficial at the margin after those factors are accounted for.

So, typical to my over-the-top engagement (it can border annoying, I know this, and blame my Mom for raising me this way) I reached out to the company Xendurance to learn more about the product, how it was developed, and exactly how it worked...and...amazement factor #2.  I was immediately put in touch with a Vice President at the company, Robyn Kellin, who matched my enthusiasm and spent so much time giving me the resources and knowledge to learn more about Extreme Endurance -- and it's not like she had to, I was already sold on it.  Not only was the product incredible, but the family feel and a real dedication to making safe and effective supplements to help athletes reach their performance goals characterized the company and completely wowed me.  One thing lead to another, and I became fortunate enough to be one of Extreme Endurance's sponsored athletes.  This basically means I get to feel less bad about bugging Robyn and Co. on a regular basis. Oh, and yeah, if you check out my company, its pretty impressive.  Talk about being a small fish in a big pond!

So, am I biased toward Extreme Endurance?  Absolutely.  Is it because they sponsor my pursuits?  No.  It's because the stuff works and is based on the best science and developed under the strictest scrutiny for both health and performance ethics.   I currently use three Xendurance products:

1) Extreme Endurance: Lactic Acid Buffer that works by eating the hydrogen ions released with intense training (I've learned its the byproducts of lactic acid, like hydrogen, that is the problem, not the lactic itself)

2) Xecute: Pre-workout drink that helps immensely with recovery by providing the body with the highest quality BCAAs to guard against muscle breakdown...and also helps fuel workouts by providing a lactate fuel source in addition to traditional glycogen (e.g., carbs) that I use to fuel my workouts

3) Immune Boost:  The Rolls-Royce of multi-vitamins, complete with essentials, plus micro-nutrients and compounds that are specific to the demands of someone putting their body through high physical stress

Taken together, this Xendurance trio has absolutely helped me achieve the consistency and progression in my training that I'm confident will take me to the next level
Extreme EnduranceXECUTEExtreme Immune Boost

Yes, the products are expensive, but well worth every penny; especially if you are serious about your progression as an athlete and are at a point where the boost you get at the margin makes a difference (e.g., you've already got the plan down, eat and sleep right).  For me, this is about being competitive at national races, not to mention, about a determination to constantly best myself that underlies all of my training and racing.

I am so fortunate to work with Robyn, Sandy, and Iron Jeff over at Xendurance.  Thank you all for putting up with me, believing in me, and supporting the pursuit of my goals.  If you have any questions about the products, I highly recommend you spend some time on the Xendurance website which is a great repository of written, audio, and video knowledge.  Also, feel free to reach out to me personally.  I encourage all the athletes in my community to start with Extreme Endurance, and go from there.

I know this is a bit of an nontraditional post for the blog, but much like my musings on other elements of the sport, I think a great many endurance athletes can benefit from learning about Xendurance and working it into their program if appropriate.