This space is dedicated to the world of endurance sports. Although the focus is on Triathlon, the content has broad applicability, touching on subjects that are highly relevant to all endurance athletes from distance runners to rowers; pretty much all of the suffer sports. In addition to writing about this stuff, I compete too. If you are interested in learning more about me, browsing my writing that has been published on Xtri, or reading about some of my own athletic endeavors, just click on any of the tabs above.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Top 10 Reasons You Know You Are A Triathlete

Race reports can be boring and all the philosophical stuff is a bit serious.  A recent Powerbar Tweet about how you know you are an Endurance Athlete prompted me to have some fun.

10) You take the elevator to the second floor.

9) When your significant other reveals plans for a magnificent vacation to some exotic oasis, the first thing you do is go to the resort's webpage > pictures > amenities > fitness center.

8) You eat near perfect until about 8PM, and then its time for cereal.

7) You have to question the definition of "shoplifting" when in the bulk aisle of the grocery store.

6) You assign activities of daily living a purpose; dinner becomes a "recovery meal" and sleep becomes an "adaptation phase."

5) When someone asks your age, you respond "25 to 29."

4) "Honey, I drunk ordered a new wheel-set."

3)  You eat over 4000 calories a day, yet your friends and family question whether or not you have an eating disorder.

2) You look forward to Mondays because they are "easy days."

1) Everyone else knows your a triathlete!! 

*** In full disclosure, # 3 I originally saw on a Slowtwitch thread***