This space is dedicated to the world of endurance sports. Although the focus is on Triathlon, the content has broad applicability, touching on subjects that are highly relevant to all endurance athletes from distance runners to rowers; pretty much all of the suffer sports. In addition to writing about this stuff, I compete too. If you are interested in learning more about me, browsing my writing that has been published on Xtri, or reading about some of my own athletic endeavors, just click on any of the tabs above.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Top Reads of 2013: Endurance Sports, Healthcare, and the Confluence of Both

I love to read and I read a lot, particularly content that pertains to endurance sports and healthcare.  Here are my top reads (articles and essays) from 2013.  I start by introducing something I that I think will be a hot button issue for years to come: the coming together of sport and medicine to improve performance. I then break out what I felt were the best pieces in each respective category.  Finally, I end my favorites reads of 2013 with a section bringing my two personal interests back together (and perhaps stretching the definition of healthcare just a bit).  Enjoy!

In 2013, the medicalization of aging and "performance enhancing therapies" became a heightened issue, raising questions about doping, rule-making, and the future of sport.  The following suite of articles provide a good look at what I feel will be the biggest issue in sport for years to come. 
Top Endurance Sports Articles of 2013
Top Healthcare Articles of 2013
  • Life or Death Situation: A poignant essay examining the torturous complexity when textbooks become reality for a leading bioethicist who specializes in end-of-life autonomy.
  • The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder: Investigate reporting examining how major drug companies have used creative marketing tactics to exploit youth, parents, and teachers in the arguably unneeded rise of medicating ADHD.
  • How Happiness Boosts the Immune System: Thorough report looking at the science of happiness and health and the virtuous cycle between the two; if you do what you love and love what you do, happiness will lead to health, and health promotes happiness.
  • Physicians Learn to Ask About Exercise: Patients are conditioned to ask for the latest quick fix and docs are schooled to prescribe it, but perhaps that's changing in small pockets as exercise is being prescribed prior to traditional medication for select conditions.
  • Uncomplicating Matters on the Way to Health: Take health into your own hands by focusing on the 3F's: feet (use them to move) fingers (don't use them for tobacco), and forks (eat food). 
  • Diagnosis Human: A look into the medicalization of being human a disease?
The Confluence of Endurance Sports and Healthcare, Top Articles of 2013
  • The Beautiful AdventureA wonderful ode to fully living life, which is what health is all about in my opinion. "May the great mystery make sunrise in your heart." 
  • How Exercise Can Calm Anxiety: Perhaps there is more of an underlying reason "endurance junkies" feel the need for 6 hours of solitude on a Sunday long ride. 
  • Your Fat has a Brain, and It's Trying to Kill You:  More on the role of exercise as a potent treatment for so many metabolic disorders. "You could never design a drug better than exercise." 
  • Inside the Endurance Conspiracy: Interview with Tony DeBoom on purpose, passion, and finding total health through always pursuing what makes him tick.