Why did this happen? I can't be certain, but I have a sensible guess. My pre-ride meal was leftover trout from a great dinner the night before [I didn't want it to spoil, but fish is not a simple carbohydrate] and I ran out of energy gels, so my caloric intake while on the bike was about half of what it usually is. Before getting on the bike, I'm thinking it's only a 1:40 ride, so no big deal, right? An hour and 10 minutes later, I learned that I couldn't have been more wrong.

Now aside from those miserable 30 minutes, this was a really cool moment for me in that it let me get philosophical. Basically, Descartes got it right when it comes to athletic endurance training. Once an individual achieves a certain level of training, the body absolutely becomes a machine. Put the wrong type of fuel in a machine [e.g., protein instead of carbs] before revving it up, and the machine isn't going to work as it should.
But is that really all endurance sports is about? At first this kind of troubled me, but after a bit of thinking [on, at this point, jello legs] I arrived at a different conclusion. Yes, smart training does hinge on a highly calculated mechanical-like approach. But on race day, it's the soul of an athlete that matters most, and the soul's integral connection with the body. In addition to races, even during a few critical workouts each year, the machine approach can go to hell. During these particular workouts (heard them called "seeing god," or "going to the well" and races, peak performance comes down to an individual's belief in him/herself, ability to suffer, and their psychological fortitude to rise above what they thought were [mainly physiological] limits. I still wouldn't recommend trout right before a key-race of over an hour, but even the most perfectly formulated carbohydrate only gets you so far so fast.
To summarize my thoughts: much of effective training is about zoning out, giving the machine what it needs, and letting it run. But racing [and those few workouts that we all hate to love] encompasses far more than that, and actually has much more to do with soul and mind-body connection. Descartes's machine-like approach is a necessary pre-requisite for peak performance, but it only gets you so far. At a certain point, it's the human elements that make or break your day. How will you react when you are stripped down to your core? That's when the true growth occurs, and I think why so many people love endurance sports.

As for my training more generally, things are progressing nicely, and without much excitement. Base building is definitely in the Descartes zone; fuel the machine, run the machine in a calculated way [heart-rate] and rest the machine. More training details to be posted at the end of this current cycle in about two weeks.
I agree whole heartedly. I remember a vivid moment halfway through the second lap of the bike course during my first IM in Cali. I was annihilated and thinking where do I go from here...there was zero in the tank, and I wasn't even close to getting off the bike. You push the pain to the back, find a way to dig deeper, stop thinking about it, and just get on with it. I find myself in many situations in daily life where this lesson is the key to success. God bless sport.