This space is dedicated to the world of endurance sports. Although the focus is on Triathlon, the content has broad applicability, touching on subjects that are highly relevant to all endurance athletes from distance runners to rowers; pretty much all of the suffer sports. In addition to writing about this stuff, I compete too. If you are interested in learning more about me, browsing my writing that has been published on Xtri, or reading about some of my own athletic endeavors, just click on any of the tabs above.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Build Phase and Frozen Eyebrows

I'm now in the midst of my first of two "build" phases of training. Unlike the 2-month base period which focused on leg toughness and durability, the next 2 months will be geared toward building strength and speed specific to the races I am targeting. While there is far more intensity built into each week now (e.g., hill repeats, tempo sets, tempo runs, bicycle strength training, Tabata Intervals), there is also a lot more recovery. I'm transitioning from [base phase] 7 days a week of "just below intensity" training to 4/5 days a week of significant intensity, and 2/3 days a week of pure recovery work. From a mental standpoint, it's actually much easier now. There are particular workouts [and more honestly, segments of workouts] that require the utmost focus, while others do not. This is quite different from the base-building period where everything was quite similar - and never really hard enough to call for "zoning in," but also never easy enough for "zoning out". Although its only been one week, I felt great during most of my intense workouts, and the earliest results are encouraging. Don't get me wrong, there is still *a ton* of work to do and this is just the beginning, but it seems the base that I built grinding it out over the last two months will provide a good foundation.

Only one workout to share: a long Z1/tempo ride, followed by a shorter transition run. The ride [on the trainer, as everything is at this time of year in Michigan] went great. I caught up on world news [thank you Fareed Zakaria], guilty pleasured in Jersey Shore [really Snooki? Couldn't move for an entire day??] and had brunch [the "b" carries multiple meaning] with Caitlin [Lucky Charms, Hammer gels, and sports drink for me - multigrain rolls and with lox and veggies for her. She wins].

Things got interesting when I got off the bike, and transitioned to running in a total white-out. Only 3 minutes into the run, I had given up on trying to establish any cadence [read; zero footing], and decided to just have fun with it. I have done plenty of winter runs this year, but nothing like this: it was brutal out there, driven by the colder than I had expected temperatures, downpour of snow, and 20MPH wind guests. My eye-brows fully froze [I mean they felt like glass], which is a first for me. 10 minutes into the run I had given up on "fun," and switched to what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

I survived the run just fine, worked muscles that hadn't been worked since I was on the way to Base Camp, and thawed out my eyebrows in a pretty memorable hot shower. All in all, a good workout! That said, I'm not going to say it didn't make me a bit more excited for a recently locked-in training trip to Clermont Florida over Spring Break.

That's it for this update. Stay warm (or cool), train hard, and in the words of my coach, rest harder!

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